
 People Helping People in Hernando County

About People Helping People

People Helping People is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable corporation founded in 2009 by a diverse group of dedicated volunteers. We are an interfaith organization and do not promote a religious affiliation. PHP relies entirely on donations and grants from individuals, businesses, religious groups, clubs, and civic organizations to sustain its mission of alleviating hunger in Hernando.  Board members receive no remuneration for their services.

Board of Directors

Doug Brainard, President

Martin  Reiman, Vice President

Dr. Rodwan Hiba, Vice President

Barbara Nassar, Secretary

Mary Adams, Treasurer

Theo Batchelder

Philip Bomhoff

​Clarence Crawford

Maureen Follansbee

Ellen Frank

Colleen Quarles

Marlene Shaw

Maureen Soliman

Rev. Yvonne Wood (on leave)

Executive Director

        Ron Van Matre

        Evan Sommerfeld (in-training)


Corresponding Secretary

        Mary Wuest

Charter Board Members Emeriti

JoAnne Boggus

Cecil Bradley

Dr. Judith Greene (deceased)

Diane Rowden

Rev. Kristin Wee ​(deceased)

William Yoos